Wednesday, October 14, 2009


There is plenty of material on losing a baby, but I can't seem to find much on my current situation.

Ladies, we are pregnant!!

I never expected it to happen just like that, but it did, and we are truly blessed, but I have many MANY MANY fears, it's so very scary to me now, and I'm hoping it does not over shadow my excitement. 


A living human being is in my belly... 

and I pray every evening, that I am able to protect this little one...
that we are able :)

THere aren't may words I can say at this point, I'm in bliss
and that is hard to articulate in words...

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

I wait, I watch

Nothing yet, no monthly visitor!!

I took a pregnancy test, and the results were not clear, so I've made an appointment with the Gyno for next week, in the mean time, I'm working on a few things :)

I've been searching for a desk job, maybe a receptionist. I'm sick of coming home sore, with blisters on my feet. I control a stock room, and with that comes responsibilities that frankly I don't care to control any longer. I have two interviews, 1) a dentist office downtown, I believe the dentist is McDaniel, and 2) at a chiropractor close to the house. I will lose my benefits if I quite, but the two full time jobs that I'm interviewing for have benefits that are available upon hire.

I've fell a little behind on my school work with getting the house fixed up, but I seem to be doing alright, I feel in control, more so than I have in weeks. But things are always on my mind, my angel is always on my mind, I carry so heavily on my heart...

Things are changing, we are changing, and it's a good thing...

more to come

Friday, October 2, 2009


Where are you monthly visitor?

I missed my period for the month of October!
It could mean a good thing, I have not been taking my pills. The husband and I decided we would try and fill these empty rooms. We dwelled in prayer constantly, and really felt that we are in a place [again] that we are ready to add to our family. I'm not going to get to excited, I may just be a bit irregular, but I'll wait until the 7th roles around, when my next "time" is due, and then go to the doctor.

There is a beautiful room down the hall, painted green, of which would love a little inhabitant I do believe =)
we shall see....

Sunday, September 20, 2009

a prayer

There is no more than a mattress unpacked in this house, as we paint and work to make this place our own, and yet, with these blessings, I feel things are missing, and with this, I feel guilt.
and I pray,

"Lord, let your embrace be all I need to carry throughout this life. Let your healing hand rest upon my shoulder and my husband and I get past what was the hardest thing either one of us had to experience. Please, let your love be enough, and all other blessings be nothing more than things to enhance and already fulfilled existence. And finally let my angel be not my mourning carried so heavy on my back, but instead the love carried in my heart. Lord, give me strength."

I want to unpack in this home, and continue building upon our family. I want these walls to wittiness the love I know feels us, and never neglect what we have...

This is story not yet finished,
its only beginning :)

Monday, September 14, 2009

we decided

We are moving. 

It was only after my hubby running across a rent to own property in Ooltewah, TN that we decided it was time for us to move out of this apartment. We've already talked to the owners, and we are in the works. They are wanting to unload the house quickly, and we are more than ready to pick up the payments. We actually will be paying less that we are now in our apartment, so figure that one out. This all came about last week, Friday we decided we would go ahead with it. 

We don't need a loan, because it is rent to own, but we are getting a small one for furniture, because we only have a bed room suit and a living room suit. We have no appliances of our own, nor do we have well, anything else LOL! 

It is an older home, but it will be great to have for the our first one. because inside, it is really a blank canvas. So within the next two weeks we will moving in, as soon as the folks in there now can get the remainder of there stuff moved. 

Wednesday, they will be signing the home over to us for us to start picking up the payments, and maybe next Monday, we will start moving in.

I have not been happy in a good while, I mean smiling, happy, laughing, and feeling good. And this has truly allowed me to feel a bit better, which has allowed us to talk about trying again for our family, of which once we get settled, we will try. No hurry, I'm not going to whip our ovulation strips, or stock up on tests. But we will try, and what ever will be will be.

God has really blessed us with these things in our paths. I gave him my troubles, and he returned to us a plan.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

What's going on?

I'm now 8 days late, I know that I may need time to get back on a normal schedule again, but I can't help to think that something may be wrong. The first thought in my head was of course being pregnant again, but I've taken 3 tests, and all were negative. I've made an appointment with my doctor, and will be going the 16th for some tests. First and foremost, a blood test, to get that option out of the cards, and then pending that, I guess I'll need an ultra sound and other such things. I know many things could be factors in affecting your period, but I can't help to think grim when my visiting friend misses her trip in.

This got me to thinking about being pregnant again, and the fear that would come along with it. I can't go on forever, and not try to conceive a health little bundle of joy. But I do understand I must heal emotionally first. I still feel sad, but the crying has faded as God's strength had sprinkled in. I know there is a plan, and nothing happens with out reason. My husband feels that we need to try immediately again, he feels as though it is the only way to heal completely, but I don't think he understands completely what exactly happened. For some reason I think he didn't grasp being a father, despite his excitement I feel he wouldn't had really grasped the concept until he was holding his baby. I'm not something he can help, and he's not a bad person for this, he's been nothing but supportive this whole time, but I feel maybe as much as I want him to understand, he never truly will. 

until next time

Saturday, August 29, 2009

empty room

Yesterday, I went into the empty bedroom that would have been the nursery, sat down in the floor, cried, prayed, and asked for answers. I was in their for a good portion of the day it seems, and as I prayed, I came so some answers, and discussed them later with the husband.

I want to come back up to Chattanooga, I work their. The fact that I am taking online classes this semester, I have the opportunity to put in the paper work to transfer, without missing out on on a this term. My family is in Chattanooga, I would love to be closer, and we've been looking for homes anyhow. I want to use this to push us into better things. God has no mistakes, only plans, and I believe, though it's tough, that God is articulating a master plan for us.

What do you think?